Anyone else feel like a 5 year old is writing life right now?
“There was this virus, and the world ran out of toilet paper, and everyone stayed home and watched TV for a month, and no one could come to your house, and there was no school, etc.
It seems like we are living in some twisted Tarantino film right now but here we are, staying safe and doing as we are asked to protect each other.
We are the lucky ones, if the hardest thing we are asked to do in our lifetime to help save other peoples lives is by staying at home then I think we are very blessed. All of the NHS Staff and everyone working on the frontline right now, our true heroes are fighting on each and everyday for us, let’s do as they ask and just stay home.
As soon as I had an inclination that we were heading for a lock down, I decided to put a plan together.
I realised that the first week, could be kind of chilled, the second week is going to be a little more “meh” and towards the third week the restlessness is going to start kicking in and as well as our physical health we need to try and look after our mental health too.
Let’s be honest, none of us know how long we are going to be in lockdown for so I decided that during this quarantine time I was going to do all the things I have wanted to do, wanted to get done, wanted to learn, that I never get around to because I didn’t have the time.
I decided I was going to make this Lockdown my Bit*h!
I put together a list, a list of projects around the house, fun things and jobs I wanted to of completed before the lock down is over to keep me and my mind busy.
Here is some of my “Lockdown List”:
*Finish the decorating in the kitchen,
*Finally finish my dressing room, (New dressing table, shelves put up etc)
*Try 3 new makeup looks that i haven’t tried before
*Deep clean the oven
*Create a Wedding photo album, (I got married 18 months ago and we still don’t have any pictures in the house)
OK so my list is a lot longer than this but you get the picture so I won’t bore you with the rest.
One of the other things on my list that I actually completed the other day was to do a LIVE makeup video on my Facebook page, I haven’t been live on there in almost 2 years now so I was pretty nervous to say the least BUT I decided to put on my big girl pants and just do it.
One of the main reasons I wanted to do this was because I have been asked to do a tutorial on one makeup look in particular from one of my videos over and over and over again and I have just never got round to it, it dawned on me that if ever there was a time to do it, it was now!, not just because I have the time but because you have the time too!
You finally have the time to play around with makeup!
We all get stuck in a rut doing the same makeup look we have been doing for the last 4 years,
WHY?!?! Because we just don’t have time to try something different in the mornings, we have things to do and places to be and the fear of it going horribly wrong and not having the time to fix it is just too much for us to bear. So instead we stick with the old faithful makeup look, which is great, but how great would it feel to have a new makeup look in your locker that you could confidently throw on in the morning OR a great new smokey eye look that you have mastered for that first night once the Lockdown is over?!
Well you may never have this opportunity again, the opportunity to try ANY makeup look you have wanted or just to play around with different colour eyeshadows or lipsticks knowing that you don’t have to see a single person outside of your household and that you have all the time in the world to take it off and start again should it go horribly wrong!
What’s the worst that could happen? You don’t like it and spend a total of 3 whole mintues of your SPARE 8 hours that day removing it with a makeup wipe?
You don’t have to be afraid of getting it wrong, this is the time to make makeup your bit*h
Over the next few weeks I am going to be doing more live makeup videos so if there is anything in particular you want to see, click here and comment telling me what you want me to show you, maybe it’s a natural day makeup look, maybe it’s a heavy glam look or maybe it’s something somewhere in the middle.
What ever it is, I am going to do my best to walk you through it step by step.
Let's come together during this crazy time, hang out "virtually" and try and make something good out of all of this
Much Love