About Us

Hi, My name is Robyn,

I am the founder of COABE "Confidence & Beauty"

I started this company because I have a hormonal condition known as PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) some of my symptoms include Cystic Acne, rapid weight gain, difficulty loosing weight due to insulin resistance.

Team this up with my redness and Enlarged pores and it makes for big ol cooking pot of insecurities over the years.

I have been obsessed by makeup since I was around 12-13 years old. (If you can count using turquoise eyeshadow and so much mascara it looked like terranchela legs) 😂

I studied Beauty Therapy and Makeup at college so I picked up a lot of the basic makeup training there but that really wasn’t enough for me and my skin conditions so I became obsessed with researching and learning as much as I could about hiding my “imperfections” – I really hate that word by the way! 

Confidence is something I struggled with for most of my life, It took a lot for me to brave getting on camera at first, especially with no makeup but I have learnt that I have to get uncomfortable to grow my confidence. I have come a long way since then but it's something I still struggle with from time to time. 

It’s because of this that I started this brand. I want the beauty space to be better, I want women to see what unfiltered real skin looks like, to know that skin texture is normal, pores are part of being human, that acne and rosacea are nothing to feel ashamed of, to know that aging is a privilege that far too many don’t get to experience and that aging looks different on everyone but it’s (hopefully) inevitable so why not embrace it.

I also want a beauty space that puts customers above profit, a space where big brands aren’t deliberately confusing us with 15 step skincare routines just to make more money out of us, instead I want a space where they actually think about us as consumers and human beings and do what’s best for us for once.


I want to teach as many women as possible that it is OK to have skin conditions or “imperfections” – urgh that word again!, we are human, it would be a pretty creepy world if we were all walking around like airbrushed clones. I want to teach women how to cover their insecurities if they want whilst also showing them the beauty in the "imperfections"

So that is what I am here to do, show you everything I have learnt over these years so you can embrace your insecurities, get your sexy back and start feeling confident because confidence is your superpower.

Oh, and If I haven’t already mentioned, we are kind of fun here – You can come and join us behind the scenes and help us to build the products that you love.

So anyway that’s my why, hopefully you will get to know me a little better through my blog and social media but all in all, I am a 38 year old wife that brings my English Bulldog Pablo to work everyday, I am the last to leave any dancefloor and I have an irrational phobia of Bannana’s (It even took a lot for me to write that word)


Much Love & Speak Soon

