Whip up a skin smoothie
So here we are another week passed and if you haven’t cleaned every square inch of your house 4 times over then you have probably binge watched and binge eaten your way through 2 weeks worth of food supplies.
For me the first week was a cleaning frenzy, just to try and pass the time and so I could comfortably stare at the same four walls without the annoying distraction of the cobwebs in the corners.
This second week I have done a complete 180,
I have given up the will to clean anymore, my wash loads consist only of jogging bottoms and pajamas and my diet has consisted solely of Pot Noodles for lunch, microwave meals for dinner and the odd snack on a bag of scampi fries, random I know but when we first had to quarantine because Dean was ill, we had very little food in so Dean bought what he could from Amazon…
That particular quarantine order consisted of 24 bags of scampi fries, 12 pot noodles, root beer and a bag of squid ink pasta.
So I learnt my lesson and he will not be doing the food shopping during a crisis ever again!
Anyway long story short I have decided that it’s time I got back to keeping myself busy, doing some new fun things and spend a little more time on self care so tonight I am going to make my own face mask! And no don’t mean the medical mask kind. I mean the actually nourishing the skin kind.
So here are 4 of the homemade face mask recipes I have found.

#1 Avago Face Mask
- Half an avocado, mashed up
- 1 tablespoon honey
Avocados are full of fatty acids, which have amazing soothing and hydrating properties, while honey is great for treating acne and inflammation. Mix them together, apply all over your skin and let them work their magic for 10 minutes

#2 The Greek Goddess
- 1 Tablespoon of Honey
- 2 Tablespoons of Greek Yogurt
Honey works to calm inflammation, improve skin tone and calm acne while the Yoghurt contains lactic acid which acts as a gentle exfoliant and also softens the skin

#3 Brightening Bomb
1 Teaspoon of Turmeric
2 Tablespoons of Plain Yoghurt or Olive Oil
Turmeric is great for brightening the skin, improving dark spots or acne scaring.
The oil or yoghurt acts as a buffer to prevent it staining your skin.
#4 Sensitive Soul Food
1 tablespoon of oatmeal
1 teaspoon of honey
½ teaspoon of water
The oatmeal in this recipe is great for anyone with sensitive skin, the oatmeal acts as an antioxidant it helps calm the skin whilst removing dead skin cells!
So, who is going to join me for a Friday night mask ?
I would love you to tag me in your homemade face mask pictures!
Much Love